
How Skilled of a Handyman Are You? Take Our Quiz!

Jan 08 2018
At Brock Restoration, we are able to handle all types of disasters, whether it's a burst pipe or repairing a stove after a grease fire. Do you consider yourself to be a handyman yourself? Take our quiz to find out.

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The Real Cost of Kevin’s Pranking in Home Alone

Nov 15 2017
Remember the holiday classic, Home Alone? While Kevin does a number on the would-be burglars, a lot of his pranks require some home repairs too. Here are some of the bigger pranks he pulls the actual cost it would take to do the necessary repairs.

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2017’s It is Terrifying, But Not For the Reason You Think

Oct 11 2017
Remember the movie IT? With the terrifying scene of a bathroom covered in blood, it's more terrifying when you consider the cost. Here's what it would take to actually repair the bathroom after this movie scene takes place.

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Understanding the Risks of Asbestos and Lead at Home

Oct 06 2014
Asbestos and lead are some of the most hazardous substances to human health. A presence of these materials in the home can lead to health problems over time with regular exposure. Identifying these environmental risks is the first step to…

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Disaster Recovery with Google Person Finder

Aug 18 2014
  Google has launched a new web application to help people search for friends and relatives affected by a disaster. A disaster is a chaotic and stressful time and finding the whereabouts and status of loved ones is a significant…

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Urban Safety: Disasters Lurking in Abandoned Buildings

If you live in an urban environment long enough you will eventually come across an abandoned building or two. In some places these buildings are the exception; in some they are the standard. While lurking around abandoned buildings is probably…

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How To Construct A Solar Oven

Apr 01 2013
Whether you’re a kid looking for a science fair project idea, someone who’s trying to conserve a little energy, or you’re trying to become one with nature, here we provide the different tips and tricks for constructing a solar oven.…

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