How to Prepare for and Cleanup After a Winter Storm

When the weather starts changing, the snow keeps coming.  In Ohio, we never really know what to expect when it comes to the winter months.  With that being said, here is a list of what to do before and after a winter storm!

Before the Storm

  • Clear debris from roof and rain gutters.
  • Insulate home, windows and pipes.
  • Secure rain gutters to home.
  • Make sure you have enough blankets and warm clothing to keep warm.
  • Bring pets/livestock in to a sheltered area with food and water.
  • Plan on minimizing travel.  Get errands done before storm hits, and if you have to get out in the storm, make sure you have an emergency kit in your car.
  • Make an emergency kit for car and home that includes:
    • Water
    • Non-perishable food
    • Blankets
    • Winter clothing (gloves, hat, scarf, socks, etc.)
    • Battery powered flashlights
    • Glowsticks
    • A map
    • First-aid Kit
    • Medication
    • Put together a kit of snow essentials:
      • Rock salt or other form of snow melt
      • Sand to improve traction
      • Snow shovels or snow blowers
      • Fire wood
      • Have a trickle of water running during the storm to help pipes not freeze.

 After the Storm

  • Clear rooftop of snow. If there is a large amount of snow on the roof, it could cause the whole roof to collapse.
  • Make sure gutters are cleared so that snow can melt away easier.
  • Remove snow and ice from window seals and doors.
  • Remove snow and debris from an air and exhaust vents.
  • Check of neighbors to see if they are all right or need assistance.
  • Cut down any trees or branches that pose a threat to your home.
  • Notice if there are any downed power lines and report to authorities.  They may pose a threat of starting a fire.

If your house has suffered storm, fire or water damage than give Brock Restoration a call!